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From Struggle to Strength: Awakening Possibilities and Unlocking Hope for Happiness

Get Assessed  *  Receive Ketamine Treatment  *  Transform Your Life

Are You Suffering From Any of the Following?

 If you answered yes to any of the above, you do not have to suffer.
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy can alleviate your suffering from anxiety, depression, and PTSD.
It can awaken possibilities and unlock the hope of renewed emotional vitality, resilience, and a restored sense of purpose. 

Who Is Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy For?

​Ketamine therapy is for YOU. It is effective in treating many mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, burnout, complex trauma, compounded grief and addiction. It can also be helpful for you if you are struggling with end-of-life issues. At Shakti Therapy we also use ketamine therapy in to help you explore and deepen your spiritual connection with the Divine.



Ketamine therapy can produce a sense of dissociation or detachment from your thoughts and emotions, allowing you to observe them from an objective perspective and reduce the intensity of anxiety.



Ketamine therapy has the power to modify neuronal circuits in the brain when paired with therapy, which transforms depressive  thinking patterns and helps manage treatment resistant depression.



Ketamine therapy reduces activity in the brain related to traumatic memories, which lessens the intensity of the PTSD memories and fear response. It also promotes recovery through growth of new brain cells.

Don't be frozen by your mental health struggles.
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy frees you from your struggles.
Freedom is your journey back to the soul.

How To Shift Struggles to Strength With Ketamine Therapy 



Sets the foundation for your ketamine journey with assessments, personalized goal-setting, and comprehensive education. A safe and supportive environment is created to empower you with inner confidence to reshape your emotional landscape and create new pathways of growth.

Ketamine Journey

Heart of the work where you reconnect with your inner healer under the guidance of trained a KAP therapist. The ketamine journey opens doors to introspection, emotional release, and breakthroughs, offering you an opportunity to navigate your challenges, gain clarity, and find peace.



A woman preparing for her Ketamine session by looking awards
Engage in Ketamine Therapy with a trained KAP therapst
Integration by connecting with your inner healer

Insights from your ketamine journey is brought to life as you work collaboratively with your trained KAP therapist to anchor them into your everyday. This phase empowers you to apply newfound wisdom from your journey, which fosters lasting emotional growth and change in your life.

Benefits of Ketamine Therapy


  • Takes a holistic approach to mental health services by combining ketamine medicine, psychotherapy, and mindfulness practices.

  • Helps quiet the ego mind and connect with the heart center.



  • Provides rapid relief with alleviation of distressing symptoms which allows for comfort from emotional struggles and enhances quality of life.

  • Regain normal functionality with reduction in limiting thoughts so you can engage in daily activities and tasks again.  

  • Promotes the growth of brain connections destroyed by prolonged stress.

  • Increases neuronal connections, decreases inflammatory response, and enhances mood, anxiety reduction, and addiction cravings.


Meet Your Ketamine Guides

Ketamine Testimonials

average rating is 3 out of 5

"Having an intelligent, insightful, kind and loving therapist who is strong, supportive and clearly gifted allowed me to open up and feel safe. I learned change IS possible when I surrender to the process. I was able to comfort my limiting beliefs and make changes in my life I've always thought about doing. I feel emotionally free and more present in my life."


average rating is 3 out of 5

​"I have battled with anxiety for most of my life and meds don't work for me.  I was scared to go through this and was not sure what would come up for me. Ektha allowed me to feel safe and trust my inner healer. Ketamine therapy with Ektha has changed my life. I feel different and people around me see how much happier I am.  It's truly a mindset shift where anxiety has no room to take over."


average rating is 3 out of 5

"The experience was incredible!  The integration process was by far the most powerful experience. Learning to see the world differently, others differently, myself differently allowed me to feel liberated and joyful. Coming out of it, I feel empowered to live my best life - and there’s a sense of renewed confidence. Ketamine has been incredibly healing for me."


Ketamine Therapy Review

Ketamine Therapy Review

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Ketamine Packages


Exploratory Healing

2 Sessions

Perspective Shift

4 Sessions

Transformation Path

6 Sessions

  • Initial Medical Evaluation & Preparation

  • Preparatory Therapy Session

  • 2 Ketamine Experiences

  • 2 Integrative Therapy Sessions

  • Initial Medical Evaluation & Preparation

  • Preparatory Therapy Session 

  • 4 Ketamine Experiences

  • 4 Integrative Therapy Sessions

  • Initial Medical Evaluation & Preparation

  • Preparatory Therapy Session 

  • 6 Ketamine Experiences

  • 6 Integrative Therapy Sessions

Research on Ketamine & It's Impact

Therapeutic psychedelics are associated with decreased rumination and negative affect, enhanced psychological connectedness and mindfulness, heightened states of awe and transcendent experiences.


  • How effective is Ketamine in treating depression?
    According to studies, Ketamine infusions to treat depression can be successful for 60-80% of people. Although the effects of Ketamine often last several weeks, some people can be depressed-free for months.
  • Is a recommendation from my primary care provider required?
    No, you can be referred by any registered mental health care practitioner or physician.
  • What is the age requirement for treatment?
    Patients as young as 13 have been seen by Shakti Therapy and Healing Services.
  • Is there anything in my medical history that would preclude me from obtaining treatment?
    Ketamine infusion treatment is not recommended for people with psychosis. If you have high blood pressure, cardiac, or pulmonary concerns, your primary care physician may need to offer medical clearance before you begin ketamine infusions.
  • Will I be dozing off throughout the procedure?
    No. The ketamine dose you will be given will not cause you to lose consciousness.
  • What is the duration of the effects?
    A single infusion's effects might last up to two weeks. Some patients may be symptom-free for several months after a series of six treatments. We also provide booster infusions, which can be administered regularly or a few times per year as needed.
  • Should I be worried about the possibility of addiction with ketamine therapy?
    No, ketamine has been shown to be safe in people. For many years, it has been utilised as a surgical anaesthetic in children and in trauma care. Ketamine has been misused recreationally at considerably greater dosages as a club drug, however there is no indication that it is addictive. Moreover, Ketamine will be provided in subanesthetic dosages under medical monitoring.
  • Will I be considered an outpatient?
    Yes, ketamine infusions are an outpatient treatment that does not need a hospital stay
  • Will I be forced to discontinue my mental medications?
    No, you do not need to discontinue any of your existing prescriptions.
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